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February 2002.

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Q: When were the Olympics held in Salt Lake City?
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Who hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics?

The 2002 Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.

Where were the 2002 Olympic held?

The 2002 Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Where were the winter Olympics held in the US?

Salt Lake City, Utah

When and where were the winter Olympics last held in the us?

The last Winter Olympics held in the United States was in 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Who held the 2002 winter Olympics?

The United States in the city of Salt Lake City.

Where was 2002 winter Olympics held?

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Has the Olympics ever been in Utah?

The 2002 Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Where was the 19th Olympic Games held?

The XIX (19th) summer olympics were held in Mexico City. The XIX (19th) winter olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Where are the winter Olympics being held in 2002?

Salt Lake City, Utah Woot go Utah! I like pie!

What state held 2002 winter Olympics?

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

In 2002 where were the summer Olympics held?

There is no indication of a 2002 summer Olympics. The winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah USA.

When was the last time US held the winter Olympics?

2002 Salt Lake City, Utah