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never he is still alive

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Q: When did Ben Nighthorse Campbell die?
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Related questions

What is Ben Nighthorse Campbell's birthday?

Ben Nighthorse Campbell was born on April 13, 1933.

When was Ben Nighthorse Campbell born?

Ben Nighthorse Campbell was born on April 13, 1933.

Who is ben nighthorse Campbell?

Ben Nighthorse Campbell is an athlete, politician, and entrepreneur from Colorado. He held the office US Senator from 1993 to 2005.

How old is Ben Nighthorse Campbell?

Ben Nighthorse Campbell is 78 years old (birthdate: April 13, 1933).

What is Ben Nighthorse Campbell famous for?

becuse he is a artis.

In what Olympic sport did Ben Nighthorse Campbell excel?

Judo, but he only won his first match in the 1964 Olympics before injuring his knee in the second match and ending his career.

What actors and actresses appeared in American Biker - 2005?

The cast of American Biker - 2005 includes: Peter Fonda Billy Lane Arlen Ness Ben Nighthorse Campbell Mike Seate Chuck Zito

Who was the actor who played Ben Campbell in 21?

Actor Jim Sturgess.

Where does Ben Campbell hide most of his cash in the movie 21?

In the ceiling.

When did Campbell Hardy die?

Campbell Hardy died in 1984.

When did Percy Campbell die?

Percy Campbell died in 1960.

When did Allen Campbell die?

Allen Campbell died in 1994.