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To entertain the masses, ancient Rome used the theory of bread and circuses, as long as the masses were fed and entertained they would not question authority.

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Q: What was the purpose of chariot races and gladiator fights?
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What kinds of free entertainment did the hippodrome offer to citizens with Roman Constantinople?

chariot races, horse races, and gladiator fights

What was the entertainment center for the Byzantine Empire?

The Hippodrome which held Chariot races, Gladiator fights, ect.

What sports are like gladiator fights and chariot races?

Gladiator fights could be loosely compared to our boxing or full contact karate. Chariot racing could be compared to our harness racing, and loosely compared to auto racing.

Why do the Romans like to race in chariots?

Because they had not has much entertainment as we have. They only had choice between theater, gladiator fights and chariot races. They liked chariot races because this is action, adrenaline, ect. Chariot races are like car races today.

Why did roman hold gladiator battles and chariot races?

Roman Emperors held gladiator battles and chariot races because they distracted the uneducated. They prevented revolts. They kept the poor entertained.

Why etruscan's originally hold gladiator battles and chariot races?


What do the gladiator fights tell us about roman culture?

The gladiatorial games, together with the chariot races, was the most popular form of entertainment in Rome. Successful gladiators were popular heroes.

Briefly describe the Roman Gladiator contests and chariot races?

Gladiator fights were held in a amphitheater or a coliseum. Gladiators had to kill beasts like lions. Sometime there were duels between gladiators. When one of them is in agony, people can decide whether or not he will die. If they want that the gladiator that beated the other gladiator spares him, they make "thumbs up". If they want that the gladiator that beated the other gladiator kills him, they make "thumbs down". The emperor stands up and makes the final decision.Chariot races were held in a circus. There was a "spina"in the center of the track.The emperor dropped a cloth, the "mappa", to begin the race. The goal was to destroy everyone's chariot.

Were chariot races popular in ancient Rome?

Extremely! Hundreds would flock to the hippodromes to see the fascinating but cruel sport. Many Romans lived for the gladiator/beast fights too and all the other games.

Why did Roman Emperor hold gladiators battles and chariot races?

Roman Emperors held gladiator battles and chariot races because they distracted the uneducated. They prevented revolts. They kept the poor entertained.

What sports were played in ancient Palestine?

Boxing, wrestling, track and field, gladiator battles, chariot races

Did Romans have recreation?

Yes, they had many types of recreation. Among a few are gladiatior fights and chariot races.