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Q: What olympic symbol represents peace unity and friendship?
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What does the Olympic flames stand for?

The flame it's self represents purity, the pursuit of perfection and the struggle for victory. It also represents peace and friendship.

What flowers represents friendship?

Not sure about friendship, but a green and purple flower represents peace, and adding a clover would be magnificent!

What does the symbol and colors stand for on the flag of palau?

the circle represents peace and the blue represents sovereignty and freedom.

What is the symbol for peacemaking?

The dove holding an olive branch is a common symbol for peacemaking. It represents peace and reconciliation.

How many symbols are in the Olympic symbol?

There are 5 rings on the olympic symbols and they represent the five continents coming and uniting together in peace.

What is the peace sign called?

The peace sign is called the "symbol of peace" or the "peace symbol." It was created in 1958 by British artist Gerald Holtom and represents a combination of the semaphore letters N and D, standing for "nuclear disarmament."

Why was the statue of liberty given to us?

It was given to us by France as a form of friendship in 1886. There is a small copy in Paris.

What is a symbol for grace?

A common symbol for grace is a dove, representing peace and purity. Another symbol for grace is a lily, which signifies elegance and beauty. Additionally, an olive branch is often used as a symbol of grace, symbolizing peace and reconciliation.

What symbol represents kindness?

The heart symbol is often associated with kindness because it represents love, empathy, and compassion towards others. It is a universal symbol that signifies warmth and caring gestures.

What does the dove symbol represent?

In the bible it represents peace and the holy spirit In most churches you will also see it as a sign of baptism

Why do Buddhas use the flower as a symbol?

Im not Buddhist but i believe that the flower represents peace at heart and mind.

What bird is the international symbol for peace?

An olive branch and a white dove are common ancient symbols for peace.