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Q: What olympic tradition symbolises the passing of olympic traditions from one generation to another?
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How have traditions and customs in Mexico passed from one generation to another?

By oral tradition, tough many of these traditions have been documented for the world to see.

What is Filipino tradition?

Filipino tradition refers to the customs, beliefs, practices, and values passed down from generation to generation in the Philippines. These traditions encompass a wide range of aspects including cultural practices, family dynamics, social interactions, religious ceremonies, and celebrations that reflect the rich history and diverse influences of Filipino culture.

What are importances of oral tradition?

The importance of oral tradition is that it helps pass on the history from one generation to another.

Define the term tradition?

The passing of customs and beliefs from one generation to another

What traditions are the in Peru?

One of the traditions in Peru is to honor Saints with festivals. Dance is another popular tradition in Peru. There are many different dances that are traditionally done in Peru.

What is a story or legend passed down from generation to generation?

A story or legend passed down from generation to generation is called oral history, oral tradition, or folklore.

How does oral tradition help us remember history?

The transmissions of customs or beliefs from generation to generation by one person telling another person and so on and so on.

What was the biggest factor in bringing Native Americans in contact with one another?

The greatest factor in shaping Native American culture groups were the traditions handed down through the generations. Each different tribe had certain traditions that were unique to their tribe. These traditions followed generation after generation, shaping the culture of the tribe.

How have traditions and customs in Jamaica passed from one generation to another?

Irelands traditions and customs have been passed from one generation to the other by old legends and folklore. Many natives to Ireland tell tales and stories to their grandchildren about this country.

What is deliberate tradition?

Deliberate tradition refers to a tradition that is consciously maintained and passed down from one generation to another through intentional efforts. This can involve actions such as rituals, celebrations, or practices that are actively upheld by a community or group to preserve their cultural heritage or values.

What dating traditions do Persians attend?

One of the Persian dating traditions that should be followed is that the female is never left alone with the male during dating. Another tradition is that the couple not have any physical contact.

What are oral traditions?

Oral tradition is the history of a people or culture as it is conveyed from generation to generation. This history was initially not written (hence "oral"), or at least not on a large scale. Due to this, the reliability is not always very high. We all know this children's game where a kid whispers a phrase into the ear of the next one, and so on. The last one will reproduce what he (or she of course) thinks he heard. You can guess the result. Oral tradition is the usual way of spreading popular tradition, where the people are, or were, mainly illiterate people. Technology, of course, made it possible to record oral accounts of historical or social events.