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£10.99 & a bottle of irn-bru

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Q: What is the value of an Olympic Games official program from 1932?
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The value of a 1973 Chicago Cubs official program would depend on the condition of the program, who was on the cover, and if it was for a special game or event.

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i have a coca cola 1984 olympic official international flag pin series of 50 pins is worth

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What is the value of a 1968 NHRA Winternational official program and official entry list valued at?

The value of a 1968 NHRA Winternational official program and entry list is not listed. However, similar programs for previous years are valued at around $8.00 in mint condition.

What is the value of a 1948 Olympic Games postage stamp?

What country? The US did not issue any Olympic stamps in 1948. its in great Britain

What is the value of a 1938 official Rose Bowl program?

5 bucks, ill buy it

What is the value of the official original 1969 Aquarian Music and Arts Festival program?

my balls

What is the value of a maple leafs garden official boxing event program from 1939?


What is the value of a Maple Leaf Gardens Official Program from January 4 1945?

Around $40-$75 depending on condition.

Is courage an Olympic value?

yes it is

Value of 1944 orange bowl classic official program?

A lot to us. Call Museum of Sports History 312-832-2600 to sell.