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then another player has to step in and hit it over the net otherwise one of the two players have to hit it over.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

never and when the ref doesn't see you hit it twice.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Then the ball is announced dead and the opposing team gets a point and the serve.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Then the other team gets the ball.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

no a player can only hit the ball once

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Q: What happens when two volleyball players hit the ball at the same time?
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What is the rule if two players touch the ball at the same time in volleyball?

It counts for 2 catches.

Similaraties between volleyball and beach volleyball?

Beach volleyball and indoor volleyball are two completely different sports. In sand volleyball, the ball is not his nearly as hard as it would be if the players were on a court. For this reason, the ball doesn't go as fast and there is no need for six players to be on a sand court. Sand court only requires two players on each side of the net where as indoor volleyball needs six. The only similarities really, are that there is a ball, a net, and the same basic rules (aside from setting). In sand volleyball, if a set is spinning, even a little, you will get called on it, where as court is a little more lenient. So altogether, these two sports are assumed to be the same, but in reality, are completely different.

If a player blocks the ball and it rebounds back on the players side of the court can the same player hit the ball again in volleyball?

yes, because its not actually a pass or anything, they were just blocking. so the same person is able to pass the ball

What is a doublehit in volleyball?

A double hit in volleyball is when the same player contacts the ball twice without another player touching the ball.

How are basketball handball and volleyball alike?

the all have to do with a ball . volleyball and handball are similar because you are hitting the ball. Basketball and volleyball are the same because you have to make a goal. baketball in the hoop volleyball over the net

Are the balls the same for beach volley ball and indoor volley ball?

No the ball for volleyball is much lighter

The equipments needed for volleyball?

all you need is the strength in your arms and leg strength

What is the same about volleyball and soccer?

they both got balls

What are the similarities between volleyball and tennis?

Volleyball and tennis are similar in that there is a ball and a net. Volleyball does not have rackets like tennis. With volleyball you aren't allowed to let the ball touch the ground like you are in tennis. In both games, you are facing another team. There is a difference in the number of players as well as the method of scoring.

How can a bowling ball and a volleyball have the same momentum?

Linear momentum, p=mv, is proportional to mass and velocity. Since the bowling ball far outweighs the volleyball, the difference in velocity would have to be determined in order for them to possess the same amount of momentum. If the volleyball is traveling at a high enough speed (orders of magnitude higher), they can both have the same momentum. Either that or fill the volleyball with concrete.

Why is softball confused with volleyball?

In volleyball, volleyball is a soft ball. Same thing with softball. That's why people confuse softball with volleyball. Also, the guy who is answering your question sees girls playing volleyball when I hear the term "softball."

What happens if 2 netball players catch the ball excacly?

The ref will toss the ball, whoever gets it first takes it. Three tosses per pair if both players keep catching the ball at the same time, then the two C's get to take the toss/s.