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One ring per continent

- there are five continents on earth

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Q: What does the 5 ring of the Olympics stands for?
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What do the Olympics ring colours stand for?

it stands for the continents of the world that take place in it.

What does blue Olympic ring stand for?

stands for 5 contries

What do the 5 Olympics ring represent?

they represent the 5 continents of the world.

In Olympics 2008 different combination of gender color elements indicate?

5 olympic ring.

What do the six colors of the flag the 5 colors of the ring and the white background represent?

the red stands for the blood of the dead . the white stands for peace and the green stands for the ceider tree

In jewelry what does BGG stands for when engraved on the inside of a ring?

the bgg probably stands for the size of the ring

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Why do they ring cow bells at the Olympics?

They ring cow bells to show spirit

What does loc stand for in the Olympics?

It stands for poos

What does OR stand for in the Olympics?

OR stands for Olympic Record, this is the best performance in the event that has occured in the Olympics

Why are the Olympics ring these color?

Because every flag has at least one of the colours in it.Interesting thing is that each ring represents a focus of what the Olympics represents. Blue: Participation, Yellow: Competition, Black: Excellence, Green: Unity and Red: Hope.

Why do they have symbols for the Olympics?

as it represents 5 continents Asia , Australia , Europe , Africa and America . each continent represent a particular coloured ring .