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The year 2008 is 1,242 years since 766 BC

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Q: How many years since 766bc to 2008 Olympics?
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What countries will be in 2012 Olympics?

Same as the 2008 Olympics, and the 2004 Olympics, and the Olympics before that. and every other 4 years since the Olympics started.

How long did Michael Phelps train to get into the Olympics?

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When was the last Winter Olympics?

the last Olympics were in 2008.

Will there be archery at Olympics 2008?

Yes. Archery has been an Olympic event since the 1900 Olympics in Paris.

Where was the 2007 Olympics?

Olympic games are held in even numbered years. The Olympics in 2008 will be held in Beijing, China.

How many years did US softball team go to the Olympics?

Softball has been an event at the Olympics since 1996 and the 2008 Games will be the fourth Olympics that have had softball. The US team has played in each one and won the gold medal in 1996, 2000, and 2004.

What year and city did Michael Phelps win most Olympics?

He started in 2000, so he has comepete for 8 years in the Olympics.

How long has it been since Great Britain has beaten Australia in the Olympics?

Great Britain beat Australia at the 2008 Olympics

Is softball in Olympic?

No. For 12 years (since 1996) softball was part of the Olympics, but 2008 was the last year it was. It has been removed from the olympic games, and will not be a part of the 2012 London games. Softball is not in the Olympics coming up do to lack of supporters of the sport. It was in the last Olympics but not 2012.

When was the last Olympic held?

The last Olympics was the Sochi 2014 Olympics, which was held from February 6-23, 2014.The Summer Olympics are held every four years and the Winter Olympics are held every four years. However, there is an Olympics held every other year because the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics are held two years apart in alternating even-numbered years.The last Olympic games held were the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy and the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. Click on the '2006 Winter Olympics' and the '2008 Summer Olympics' links on this page to learn more about them.