Shaun White has been is the Olympics for 3 years.
3 years
2 Olympics 8 years
Shaun White has won 2 medals in the Olympics. He won gold in the halfpipe in both the 2006 and 2010 games. Unfortunately, he did not medal in the 2014 games.
2 1 in the 2006 Olympics for mens half pipe 1 in the 2010 Olympics for mens half pipe
In the Olympics, Shaun has won 2 gold medals ... both in men's halfpipe at the 2006 Games in Turin and 2010 Games in Vancouver.
2 ... the 2006 Games in Torino and 2010 Games in Vancouver. He won gold in halfpipe both times.
Shaun White has two gold medals one in 2006 and one this year.
He won gold medals in the half pipe at the 2006, 2010, and 2018 Olympics. He has won four gold medals at the Winter X games.