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Q: How long is the routine in the Olympics?
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How long does a gymnastics beam routine go for?

in the Olympics 1 minute. but in just plain old meets at least 1 minute and 30 sec

Were Jews being deported to concentration camps during the Olympics?

No, the routine deportations began in 1941 - five years after the Berlin Olympics.

How did Shaun White get a gold medal in 2010 Olympics?

He performed an amazing snowboarding routine.

What music did Ferrari use for the floor routine at the 2012 Olympics?

The theme from Last of the Mohicans

What events do the women do in gymnastics in the Olympics?

Balanace beam, floor routine, uneven bars, bars

How long were the Seoul Olympics after the first Olympics?

92 years.

How long are the 2012 Olympics on for?

the Olympics is on for a month and is held in England

How long will Olympics run for?

Iam not sore when the olympics end

Who won the hearts of many for her spectacular routine on the uneven bars in gymnastics in the 1972 Olympics?

Olga Korbut of USSR.

What is 'modern day Olympics'?

The Olympic Games that have been played since 1896 are called the 'modern Olympics'. The Olympics started in 776 BC in Greece. If you hear the term 'Ancient Olympics', that means the Olympics that were played long, long ago.

How long has rowing been in the Olympics?

since 1896. The first Olympics

How long has swimming been in the Olympics?

It has been there since the first Olympics.