The centers of the targets (called the "house") are 114 feet apart. The distance from one hack (the black foothold that looks like a starting block) to the center of the house on the opposite end of the ice is 126 feet.
The large target area is called the house. It is 12 feet in diameter, and is usually painted with three rings (called the 12-foot, 8-foot, and 4-foot rings, according to their diameter) and a circle in the middle called the "button." At the center of the button is a hole in the ice called the "tee" or "pin," which is the official center of the house and the place you measure from if you need to determine whether one rock is closer than another. The different rings really have no meaning other than acting as a visual aid to help players judge what rocks are closer than others.
Any rock that touches any part of the house is eligible to score a point. Only rocks that are closer to the tee than the opponent's closest rock will score a point.
I got a Karmin Clipless curling iron instead after reading a lot of recommendations and it's been really good so far. Really soft and shiny curls :) They last all day too. I definitely consider this to be the best curling iron!
Le curling (masculine noun): J'aime le curling (I like curling) Du curling: j'ai fait du curling (I played curling)
No. A curling iron does NOT have silver in it!!.. There are silver curling irons but there are no curling irons with silver in them!
Curling...Oh, how I hate Curling. :P
long distance? far distance?
If you mean 'curling (your hair)': Are you curling tonight = Ensortijas anoche? If you mean the game of curling (on ice), there is no Spanish equivalent, so you'd have to say: Juegas a 'curling' anoche = Are you playing at 'curling' tonight?
the main pieces you need for curling are a good pair of curling shoes, curling gloves, a slider for your shoe, and a broom, the rocks are provided by the curling arena.
The force of friction is a contact force. An example of a force at a distance would be gravity.
In a curling rink
in woman's curling it was Canada and in men's curling it was Norway
Far far, far, far, far.
curling is dangerous because the rock can slide o you foot and you can trip on the rock as your curling