If you break the rulkes. Such stings can be: * Use of alcohol / doping * Equipment which doesnt comply with the rules * If you step over the shooting line during shooting * unsportly behaviour * ... * ...
Tallying points depends mostly on what kind of Archery one in undertaking. In a hunting scenario, using 3D targets, point values are declared based on the ring target printed on the side of the 3D figure.
In olympic archery, point values are awarded similarly, on a "3-spot" target (that is, one piece of paper with three target faces on it, typical to compound and crossbow archers), or a single-face target, with a single, ten ring target face.
32 countries are participating in archery at London Olympics.
Yes. Archery has been an Olympic event since the 1900 Olympics in Paris.
Because archery isn't a greek sport
by friendship
the Greeks
Yes, there is individual and team competition in archery at the Olympics.
There was no official archery competition at the 1948 Olympics. On the day of the opening ceremonies there was an archery demonstration by wheelchair-bound servicemen and women injured in the war, which was one of the foundations of the modern Paralympics. The World Archery Competition was also held in London at the same time as the Olympic Games, but there was no archery competition at the Olympics until 1972. (Archery events had been held in 1900, 1904, 1908, and 1920.)
The archery competition at the 2008 Olympics will be held at the Beijing Olympic Green Archery Field. The field seats 5,000 and the dates of competition will be August 9 - 15. Click on the 'Beijing Olympic Green Archery Field' link below to see pictures of the venue from the Beijing Olympics website.
Olympic archery only uses recurves.
Archery was first in the summer Olympics in 1900. This was held in Paris.