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yes but not much. They have to cough up $300 to stay and to eat

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I don't think so.

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12y ago

no only if they have their I.D card

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Q: Do olympic athletes pay for their food at the olympic village?
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Do US olympic athletes pay taxes on their winnings?

no they do not have to pay taxes on their winnings.

Does china pay their Olympic athletes?

yes but not as much as america does

Do Olympic athlete pay money to eat while staying at the Olympic village?

no they go hungry for days

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does athletes get pay for gold record

What does the United States pay their athletes for winning a medal at the Olympics?

The US Olympic Committee pays athletes a cash reward for their success. Gold - $25,000 Silver - $15,000 Bronze - $10,000 There is a current controversy though about the IRS considering this to be a taxable income.

How much does Mexico pay for olympic medals?

$13,000 pesos a month for the rest of the athletes life. Reference is Univision commentators during a Mexico vs US soccer Match.

What part of the us Olympic team does the us government pay for?

None, the USOC is a privately funded organization with no governmental support....the only country in the world that does not support it's athletes financially

What prizes do olympic winners receive?

In modern Olympic, the first-places winners got gold medal ,the second-places winners got silver medal and the third-places winners got bronce medal. In ancient Olympic, the winner got olive branches.

Do the athletes have to pay their own way to the Olympics?

Basically, You get paid nothing. It's the pride of representing your company that they give you and a medal, maybe. But the give you free coaching if they think you have the talent and provide you with transport and accommodation, I fyou have any friends or family who want to come, then they have to get there on their own. Not company, country.

Do sports pay athletes in the Olympics?

No, they do not.

Do athletes have to pay for their flights to the Olympics?
