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Golf balls do NOT fly farther in cold weather. Anyone who's played golf for several seasons can vouch. But here's the scientific proof.

A chart from the PGA Manual of Golf by Dr. Gary Wiren.

Carry Temp

224 95* F

222 85* F

220 75* F

216 65* F

214 55* F

205 45* F

186 35* F

Also, dry colder air is denser and heavier than hot air (which rises) - which causes more drag, reducing ball flight.

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1mo ago

Balls tend to travel farther in cold weather because the air is denser, providing more resistance to slow down the ball's flight. Additionally, the cold temperatures can cause the ball to be more rigid, allowing for a more efficient transfer of energy upon impact, leading to increased distance.

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10y ago

the air molecules in the warmer ball move faster. when you kick a ball, the ball changes it's shape and regains it (kind of like a spring). So,the faster moving molecules push the ball back to it's original shape faster, therefore, exerting more force.

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it really depends on the weather conditions. you have to take both wind,rain and hardness of the ground into consideration how far a ball travels depends on how much the ball reacts off the face of the club, its called the trampoline effect. The harder you swing, the more the ball is compressed at impact and that translates into how fast it leaves the clubface or springs off the clubface. If you can't compress the ball it won't spring off the face so it won't go anywhere. That being said if its winter the ball is really hard and you can't compress it. A ball will travel the farthest on a warm sunny day. I am a PGA TOUR caddy so I really need to know this so I can club my player. If we play in the morning and its cool, we need to take a 1/2 club to sometimes a full club more.

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