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because, balls like you.

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Q: Why is it cold as balls?
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How do eskimo survive the cold?

they suck balls

Why does cold air shrink balls?

to Obtain Heat

What does keeping warm mean?

otherwise you get cold

Why do tennis balls bounce lower when they get colder?

because tennis balls turn in to ice when cold, and then dont bounce.

Why do cold golf balls not travel as far?

i dunno. i tryed it will my own balls it worked surprisingly :) but dont use warm balls as they are very soft and sweaty :/

Identify the Berlin Wall and explain how it was a symbol both of the Cold War and the end of the Cold War?

Dick and balls

What reasons can be given for sperm deformities?

If your balls get really hot or cold

What happened after World War 2 began?

my balls droped

Can you make snow balls on mars?

no there is no snow, but it does get extremely cold if that's the question.

Why was approaching the Yalu river significant during the cold war?

You like balls

What was the historical climate in Alexander Hamilton's time?

cold enough to freeze your balls off

Where can you get training on cold calling?

If you are looking to get training on cold calling, then you should go online to the Business Balls website. It offers advice and top notch training for cold calling.