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I can tell you (only one that is from Philippines)she is JANE MARIE but i dont know the others they are many

I was talking to the USA scouts for their olympic squad and Jake Thomas is an early favorite to be their number 1 player this year.

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Some past champions of Table Tennis competitions include Ma Long, Zhang Jike, Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen, and Xu Xin. These players have won numerous titles in various tournaments such as the World Table Tennis Championships, Olympic Games, and ITTF World Tour events.

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What mectric unit would be used to measure a the length of a table?

The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) started in 1926 and the Laws of Table Tennis included all measurements in imperial units only (feet and inches). In 1937, the metric (metres, centimetres & millimetres) equivalent were added alongside the imperial measurements. In 1947, the metric measurements were made the primary units of measurement with imperial measurements secondary. In 1975 the imperial measurements were omitted from the Laws completely and all measurements were stated in metric units only. So table tennis tables are defined in the Laws of Table Tennis using metric measurements only. An official table tennis table is 2.74m long, 1.525m wide and 76cm high, and the net is 1.83m long and 15.25cm high

What is the lightest ball?

Select soccer balls are the lightest

What is the 2nd fastest outdoor game on the world?

A ssc ultimate aero is the fastest car in the world. second is the Bugatti veyron

Where can one find examples of beautiful table settings?

One can find examples of beautiful table settings on various websites like Houzz and RealSimple. Both websites offer a great amount of example for all kinds of table settings.

What happen when table tennis ball being heated?

When a table tennis ball is heated, its air pressure increases causing it to expand and become softer. This could affect the ball's bounce and flight characteristics, making it slower and less consistent during play. Heating the ball too much can also potentially damage it permanently.

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When was European Champions League - table tennis - created?

European Champions League - table tennis - was created in 1988.

What are the different kinds of sports in the Philippines?

badminton table tennis soccer tennis volleyball

What are the names of the champions in Wii sports resort?

Lucia is the champion of table tennis, and Matt is the champion of swordplay.

What are the names of the wii sports resort champions?

Lucia is the champion of Table Tennis, and Matt is the champion of swordplay.

Who sells quality table tennis equipment?

There are a lot of places that sell table tennis equipment; you can find them online or in stores. Megaspin and Paddlepalace sell all kinds of equipment.

How is table tennis and tennis different?

table tennis is played on a 15x6 table and meany different rules to tennis

What championships are held for professional ping pong?

The World Table Tennis Championships have been held yearly in some form or another since 1926. Currently they rotate singles and team championships every other year. The European Table Tennis Championships are held every two years. The Official Association of Professional Table Tennis Athletes of North America run table tennis tournament clubs in every state in the USA, and hold yearly tournaments in San Francisco. The North American Table Tennis website keeps an up-to-date catalog of local and state tournaments. There are also table tennis competitions at the Summer Olympics.

What is the proper name for the table you play table tennis on?

Err a table tennis table

Who makes the table tennis tables used in world competition?

Joola makes most of the tables used at national competitions and the Olympics with the major exception of the Beijing Olympics.

What olympic sports start with K?

Trampoline Tennis Table-tennis

Do you say you are a ball of fire on table tennis or in table tennis?

I say i am a ball on fire in table tennis :d

Do they make table tennis tables smaller table than 5x9?

Yes, there are a number of different sized tables available. There are also mini, novelty, tables. However, these can only be used for fun play, not serious competitions.