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I say i am a ball on fire in Table Tennis :d

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Q: Do you say you are a ball of fire on table tennis or in table tennis?
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Related questions

Can you say 'these tennis racket and ball'?

No, it's 'these tennis rackets and ball'

What is the meaning of table tennis?

tennis played on a table or you could say it was tennis played on a smaller scale

In table tennis what is the only colour that players are not allowed to wear?

No, but the rules of table tennis say that the main colour of clothing must be clearly different from that of the ball in use. So if a white ball is being used, players cannot wear white shirts.

What do table tennis players say when they win a point?

To win a point at table tennis you need to make the ball bounce on your opponents side of the table, without it having bounced on your side first. If your opponent cannot return the shot in the same manner, you win the point.

How do you say table ten in french?

table tennis is translated 'tennis de table' or familiarly 'ping-pong' in French

How do you say table tennis in German?


How do you say table tennis in french?

to play table tennis is 'jouer au tennis de table' or 'jouer au ping-pong' (more frequent) in French.

How do you say table tennis in Spanish?

The term for "table tennis" is el tenis de mesa, but Spanish uses ping pong as English does.

In which sport is the ball mostly thrown?

basketball baseball volleyball football tennis squash golf table tennis racquetball water polo polo soccer cricket rugby bowling foosball dodgeball hackey sack paint ball croquet billiards

What do you need to wear in table tennis?

Well, i'd say wear what you would wear as if you were playing real tennis.

Does the ball have to touch the table before striking it in ping pong?

No, you can't. The ball must land on your side of the table first before you can return it.

Is it a ping pong bat or racket?

A racket has strings ... a bat is solid a bat is used to hit a leather ball which is very hard as compared to normal tennis ball So we can say that a bat is used to hit stronger things but both can be used for beating hahaha!!