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Hockey (sometimes), Curling etc.

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8mo ago

Some sports that require snow or ice include skiing, Snowboarding, Ice Hockey, figure skating, and curling. These activities rely on the icy conditions to be practiced safely and effectively.

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What winter sport doesn't need snow?

Ice skating is a winter sport that can be done without the need for snow. It can be done indoors at ice rinks or outdoors on frozen bodies of water.

How are snow and ice useful?

Ice can stop swelling of an injury. Snow gives us sports and entertainment.

What are Vancouver's sports?

It's basically like the Olympics but just sports you can do in the snow or ice.

What is a winter Olympics?

winter oympics is sports that include snow and ice.

What are things to do in cold weather?

There are a number of popular sports which require cold weather, which include skiing, ice skating, snow boarding, and so forth. On a less ambitious scale, some people enjoy building snow men, or snow forts, or having snow ball fights. Many people like to stay indoors in cold weather, and read books, play video games, etc.

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The Winter Olympic Games are a winter multi-sport event held every four years. They feature winter sports held on ice or snow, such as ice skating and ...

Why can't the winter Olympics ever be held in the Bahamas?

The reason it is called "winter" is that some of the sports need snow or ice. There is no snow or ice in the Bahamas so they can't be held there.

Were do go to get a ice hokey stick on club penguin?

Buy it at the snow and sports catalog at the stadium.

Why do the winter Olympic games happen?

The Olympics are modeled after the ancient Greek Olympics which were a competition between Greek city-states. The Winter Olympics happen now to have snow and ice sports in the Olympics.

Why is friction not as useful in some winter sports?

Ice skating does not require any friction because the skater needs to glide on the ice and if there was any friction on ice the skater would have trouble to skate smoothly on the ice. That is why ice skating does not require any friction at all from my perspective.

What is light dry snow?

Light dry snow refers to snow that is fluffy, powdery, and low in moisture content. It is typically easy to blow or shovel and is often favored by skiers and snowboarders for its soft texture and excellent conditions for winter sports.

What different between summer vs winter olympic?

Summer is a lot of track and field sports: soccer, running, swimming, gymnastics. Winter is mostly ice sports. Ski, snow board, ice skating, speed skating, hockey. Summer sports vs winter sports.