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The average energy intake for a weightlifter is around 2000 kj. They gain this by eating certain foods such as meats and fats.

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1mo ago

The average energy intake for a weightlifter is around 2,500-3,000 calories per day, while a horse jockey typically consumes around 1,800-2,200 calories per day due to weight restrictions. A marathon runner's energy expenditure can vary but may range from 2,500-3,000 calories during training and more on race days. It's important for each athlete to adjust their intake based on training volume and goals.

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Q: What is the average energy intake and expenditure for a weightlifter horse jockey and marathon runner?
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How much energy do you use when swimming?

The energy expenditure during swimming varies depending on factors such as stroke technique, intensity, and body weight. On average, a person swimming moderately for 30 minutes can burn around 300-400 calories. The type of stroke and speed of swimming can also impact energy expenditure.

An event where your body would mainly use its aerobic energy is?

Running a marathon is an event where your body would mainly use its aerobic energy. Aerobic metabolism produces energy in the presence of oxygen, allowing for sustained and long-duration activities like endurance running. Your body relies on aerobic energy to provide a steady supply of energy for the duration of the marathon.

Would a marathon runner be aerobic or anaerobic?

A marathon runner primarily relies on aerobic energy production to sustain endurance throughout the race. However, there may be some anaerobic energy production during intense sprints or inclines, but the aerobic system is the dominant source of energy for marathon running.

How does the body resting state different from its active state?

During rest, the body's energy expenditure is lower, heart rate and blood pressure decrease, and muscle activity decreases. In contrast, during activity, energy expenditure increases, heart rate and blood pressure rise, and muscles are engaged in movement.

What biological macromolecule would be useful if you were running a marathon?

Carbohydrates would be the most useful biological macromolecule for running a marathon as they provide a quick source of energy to fuel the muscles during endurance activities. Consuming complex carbohydrates before the race can help store glycogen in the muscles for sustained energy, while simple carbohydrates during the race can provide immediate energy.

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Why is net energy expenditure more important than gross energy expenditure?

Net energy expenditure is more important because it represents the energy that is actually available for the body to use after accounting for energy lost as heat during metabolism. Gross energy expenditure includes all energy expended, both useful and wasted, providing a less accurate picture of the body's true energy needs. Focusing on net energy expenditure helps in understanding how much energy is actually available to fuel physiological processes and activities.

What is energy expenditure?

Energy expenditure is that amount of calories that someone uses in one day by exercising or doing everyday tasks.

How many percent of your daily energy expenditure is used to keep your organs running?

55 - 75% of daily energy expenditure

What energy do you use for running a marathon kinetic or potential?

You primarily use kinetic energy while running a marathon. This is the energy of motion generated by your muscles as you move your body forward. Potential energy, which is stored energy, is not a significant factor in the continuous movement involved in running a marathon.

What happens if energy intake is less than energy expenditure?

weight loss.

How much energy can a recycled bottle create?

Recycling does not create energy. It reduces the expenditure of energy.

What is the main cause of production?

The directed expenditure of energy.

How much energy do humans use when breathing?

On average, humans use about 5-10% of their daily energy expenditure on breathing. The energy is mainly used for the muscles involved in the breathing process and to warm, filter, and humidify the air we breathe.

Overweight and obesity result from an imbalance in energy intake vs energy expenditure?


What transport methods require energy expenditure by the cell?

Active transport mechanisms, such as sodium-potassium pumps, proton pumps, and endocytosis/exocytosis, require energy expenditure by the cell in the form of ATP. These processes involve the movement of substances against their concentration gradient, from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration, which requires energy input.

What percent of the energy expenditure at rest is derived from fat?
