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It is moving South. At sea you could measure the angle between the horizon and Polaris with a sextant. This angle is approximately equal to your Northern latitude. There are some mathematical corrections one can perform to get a more precise answer, but the further south you sail, the lower Polaris will become. Eventually, you will not be able to see it anymore. Polaris is not visible from the Southern Hemisphere and there is no South Star. The ship is in the Northern Hemisphere, moving South.

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The ship must be sailing southward. As the ship moves further south, the North Star would appear to sink lower in the sky due to the curvature of the Earth.

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Q: As a ship sails a steady course the North Star sinks in the sky In what direction must the ship be sailing?
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When sailing a course magnetic bearings are used. However there is a difference between magnetic north and true north called the magnetic variation, this changes year by year and can be a very significant figure depending on your position. It is important therefore to know this to ascertain ones true course.

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It depends where in Spain you are sailing from and which direction you are sailing in. The answer can be either Africa (due south from mainland Spain), Europe (due north from Ceuta or Melilla), North America (due west from mainland Spain - specifically Galicia), or South America (southwest from mainland Spain).

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North of course! There is no other way to travel.

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The sailing crew can use the North Star, also known as Polaris, to help them find their way home. Polaris is located almost directly above the North Pole, making it a reliable reference point for navigation. By determining the direction of Polaris in the night sky, the crew can orient themselves and plot a course back home.

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Another word for "in the direction of" is "toward."

How did people use the North Star to get around?

People used the North Star as a navigational tool by determining the direction they were traveling based on its fixed position in the northern sky. By using the North Star as a reference point, travelers could determine their latitude and maintain a straight course when sailing or traveling over land.

What direction would you travel sailing from Peru to Japan?

If the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, you would sail generally north west to Japan.

What direction must the ship be sailing along a meridian?

To sail along a meridian, one must sail true north or true south. Meridians of longitude run N/S.

How do you use a compass for navigation on land and sea?

To use a compass for navigation on land, hold it level and steady to determine your direction by aligning the needle with the north marker. On the sea, account for any deviation caused by the metal on the boat, and also consider the variation between true north and magnetic north. Use the compass in conjunction with charts and landmarks to determine your position and course.