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It can be played in every season, although most people usually play it in winter

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16y ago

usually a field, but sometimes in competitions people use fake animals to hide in the forest. the archers go around shooting the fake animals

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13y ago

Yes, it is. If you go on Wikipedia, it has Archery listed as a competitive sport.

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Where archery is usually played?

Archery is normally practiced, as a Competition Sport, on an archery range. Although an archery range can sometimes be located in the center area of a running track (that circular track used for running sports) at the local high-school or college, many archery ranges are located in archery stores (perfect for winter-time archery) and parks, the ranges located in parks are usually for the use of the general Public, free of charge. There are even ranges which are built separate from other sport fields and arenas.

Is archery 'played' or 'practised'?

Archery is practised but not played, you shot archery you don't play archer

Are knives archery?

Traditional archery consisted of a long bow (usually of yew) and a quiver (container) of arrows. So knives are not part of archery.

Where can archery be played?

Archery can be "played" in almost any field (archery isn't really "played", as with football or baseball, though; archery is "done"), but it is usually done at what is called an archery range. A range is where a series of targets are set up at various distances from the archer, and all the archers using the range shoot from the same place (or line). This way, one archer will not be shooting while another archer is in front of him/her, eliminating the possibility of someone being shot with an arrow. Ranges can be set up both outdoors and a in building, so that archery can be done year-round.

How was archery played in the middle ages?

Archery was first used for hunting and combat.

Where is the archery being played?

There are 204 country's in the loan Olympics 2012

How has archery played a big job in world history?

It was used for hunting

List three games they played in Elizabethan?

Tennis, bowling, archery.

Where were sports played in the middle ages?

jousting, archery, javelin throwing

What sports were played in Shakespeare times?

jousting, archery, and hunting with falcons...

What is an arrow for archery made of?

usually plastic, sometimes metal or have rubber coating

How was archery played?

well , you get i lollie pop and tjhen you eat it with you mouth (: (: hahahaha !!