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Archery = kashtut (קַשׁתוּת)

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Q: What is the Hebrew word for archery?
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What is the hebrew word for sin?

There isn't actually a Hebrew word that literally means the Christian concept of sin. Jewish liturgy uses the word "khet" (חטא) which is an archery term meaning "missing the mark". The Hebrew word which is translated as "Sin" in the English Bible, was "Het" (חטא), which meant to err, or miss the mark. In the Judaic religious sense it meant to fail to to live up to the commandments of God.

What are the syllables in archery?

The word archery has three syllables. The syllables of the word are arch-er-y.

How do you say archery in maori language?

whana is the maori word for archery.

What is the Japanese word for archery or archer?

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The word is archery.

How do you say you have sinned in Hebrew?

There's actually no Hebrew word that is exactly equivalent to the English word "sin". In Hebrew, instead of sinning, the words describing errors are more closing related to the archery term het (חטא), which means "miss" (as in missing a target). so you would say: to a male: chatata (חטאת), (literally, you missed the target) to a female: chatat (חטאת), (literally, you missed the target)

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There is no Hebrew word for "an." There is no indefinite article in Hebrew.

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Is Calalini a Hebrew word and If so what's the meaning of it when translated to English?

Calalini is not a Hebrew word and has no meaning in Hebrew.

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The word "womack" doesn't have a Hebrew definition.The word "womack" doesn't have a Hebrew word. It's a name. You can spell it ווֹמאק in Hebrew letters.

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Sydney is not a Hebrew word. It has no meaning in Hebrew.