it's fine to shoot an arrow through a bow as long as it doesn't kill any body and you have a target to shoot at.
Crossbow is not legal for most people, but is legal for people who have certain disabillites. So the answer is Crossbow
AnswerNo its a thing you shoot animals with. Not a noodle Come on a noodle????
You probably shouldn't be shooting bow with a cast on, especially is that is your drawing or trigger finger/arm.
There are laws regulating almost any and every activity within the State of Illinois, especially when it concerns, guns, bows, and wildlife. In addition to Statewide laws, there are also a wiode range of local laws and/or ordinances that must be consulted. Here are the basic laws in the State of Illinois: There is no minimum age required to shoot a bow or bow hunt, although anyone born after January 1, 1980 must take and pass a hunters safety class in order to hunt, but not to shoot a bow and arro. The State of Illinois does not classify a bow of any kind as a firearm, therefore no Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card is required to own, purchase or use a bow. Since a bow is not classified as a firearm it and its use are not subject to firearm laws. Generally, you can shoot a bow and arrow anywhere you choose so long as it is safe. Yes, you can shoot your bow within city limits, in your backyard, or your basement. It is not a firearm and is not subnject to firearm laws or ordinances. However, it is important that you check your local laws very carefully, as some cities and counties (like Chicago and Cook county) continue to violate your rights by passing restrictive laws that have been sot down by the US supreme court.
an arrow......even a four year old could answer that!!*scoffs*
It depends on local laws and regulations regarding hunting and discharging a weapon. In most residential areas, it is not legal or safe to use a bow and arrow to shoot animals in your backyard. It's important to familiarize yourself with local laws and consider alternative methods of dealing with wildlife, such as contacting a wildlife professional or animal control.
Crossbow is not legal for most people, but is legal for people who have certain disabillites. So the answer is Crossbow
It is generally illegal to shoot a bow and arrow within the city limits of Memphis, TN due to safety concerns and local ordinances. It is recommended to check with local authorities or relevant departments for specific regulations on archery within the city.
it is when you shoot something without it loaded like a bow if you shoot it without an arrow it will damage the bow
Yes, it is, as long as you have something to shoot at. New York State Law says that it is legal to shoot arrows in a backyard as long as they are manufactured by these certified brands: Lil' Sioux, Easton, Arthur Outdoors, and Talon USA.
A bow.
shoot the eye with the bow on the wall
An arrow.
a bow
they saw a bow and they saw and arrow and decided to shoot it
Nothing realy just that short bow is stronger but dosent shoot as far as a long bow.