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They had afros and looked like hippies.

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Q: What was basketball like in 1894?
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When did they stop using the soccerball for basketball?

They stopped using the soccer ball, and used a larger ball for basketball in 1894.

When was the first Spalding basketball made?

The first Spalding basketball was made in 1894 by Albert Goodwull Spalding - three years after the invention of the game in 1891. When the game of basketball was first invented, it was actually played with a soccer ball.

Does jenifer anison like basketball?

she does like basketball

Who is a famous person that begins with the letter N?

Norman Rockwell was an artist born in 1894 or Nate Robinson he is a famous basketball player.

Who likes basketball?

Me like basketball

Which bones move when you shoot a basketball?

depends how much you like basketball ;) depends how much you like basketball ;)

When was the sport basketball invented?

James Naismith invented basketball in 1891 in the Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts.

What is basketball like in Chad Africa?

Probaly there is no basketball there.

What does a basketball feel like?

a basketball feels VERY rough

What does a basketball smell like?

leathery..weird stuff.Like a basketball.Or basically dirty rubber. You'd be surprised where people bounce them.

Is NBA 2k 12 fun?

depends if you like basketball yeah don't like basketball probaly not

Does Barack Obama still like playing basketball?

yes it is right he does still like playing basketball