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a Basketball feels VERY rough

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Q: What does a basketball feel like?
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What is the motto of Eurocup Basketball?

The motto of Eurocup Basketball is 'I Feel Devotion'.

Why you need to play basketball?

Um. U don't NEED to play basketball. U can play it when ever u want to. But that's different when ur a basketball player. U have to play even if u don't feel like it. But that's only if ur in a basketball team.

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she does like basketball

Do girls prefer basketball or football?

personally i prefer basketball. i like the atmosphere of the game better, in football there is too much stopping and starting again, i feel like basketball is more exciting. i also have noticed that im usually attracted to guys who play basketball over guys who play other sports. however, i know a lot of girls who like football so it really depends on the girl.

Who likes basketball?

Me like basketball

Which bones move when you shoot a basketball?

depends how much you like basketball ;) depends how much you like basketball ;)

Should you go to basketball church game or traveling practice?

basketball church game. well i really don't know just go to what you feel is best for you. i had to choose before between vbs and basketball. i chose vbs because it is only once a year and basketball practice is like 3 times or more a week.

What are intangibles in basketball?

Intangibles are those things that you can't see nor feel. Things like intensity, heart, competitive spirit, mental toughness.

What is basketball like in Chad Africa?

Probaly there is no basketball there.

What is the best indoor basketball?

I like the Wilson Ultra ball. It has a good bounce and breaks in nicely, but the best part is the feel. Because of its sponge rubber underlayer, it has and indoor feel but wears like an outdoor ball. Easily the best indoor/outdoor ball that I have ever used.

What does a basketball smell like?

leathery..weird stuff.Like a basketball.Or basically dirty rubber. You'd be surprised where people bounce them.