The Latin word for an archer is "Sagittarius", (plural "Sagittarii") Hence the name of the Zodiac sign "The Archer" Archery itself in Latin is "Toxophilus" an archer is sometimes refered to today as a "Toxophologist" which is incorrect, and a bad mixture of Latin and Greek!
An Archer. Just for the record, you do not "Play" at archery, it is a serious, highly skilled sport!
If they Shoot archery, most people would say an Archer or Bowmen. For the geeky turn use toxophilite.
Archery is practised but not played, you shot archery you don't play archer
The 1st Indian archer to get Guinness world record for India in archery is Kaustubh Bhosle and he is from Mumbai, Sagittarius Archery, Prabodhan Archery Centre, and his Coach is Subhash Nair
sagittarius is the constellation of Archery
An archer.
An arrow can also be called a bolt, or a quarrel.
Archery doesn't require strength, it needs skills and determination. You can become a good archer by improving Archery skills with lots of practice. You will find best archery supplies at Mathews archery.
Find the nearest archery club to you and join,they will have trained coaches that will help make you a good archer
Charles Bertram Edwards has written: 'The \\' 'An archer's notes' -- subject(s): Archery 'In pursuit of archery' -- subject(s): Archery