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It's were you have your arms in a v shape in the air and then there is a low v you do the same thing but you have your arms low.

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Q: What is a high v in cheerleading?
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All the cheerleading moves?

you could never name all of the cheerleading moves. the most popular however. high v. low v. middle. short t. touchdown. and clap, and clasp.

What are the most common motions in cheerleading?

a high "v", low "v", dagger,broken "T", "T", "k",and a lot more.....

What are the basics to cheerleading?

Cheerleading is a very difficult sport that requires many skills. If you want to start cheerleading, first learn some of the basics: * high v * low v * "L" * lunge * clean position * touchdown/low touchdown * clasp/clap * "K" * thigh stand * elevator * cradle

What are the cheerleading motions?

High V Low V T Broken T Touchdown Left Diagonal Right Diagonal Daggers Buckets Candlesticks Hand on Hips

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Yes, my high school does have a cheerleading squad.

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just go on monster high .com and type in cheerleading i guess but i dowt it so that is my prediction to that answer !?!

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Unfortunately Washington Irving High School does not have a cheerleading squad, but they do have a women/mens step team.

Is cheerleading a fomous sport?

Cheerleading is a famous sport because of its difficulty and skills needed to do it. Cheerleading is also BIG in American high school ! Hope this helps xx

Where are cheerleading championships?

The answer depends on whose championships you are referring to - college? high school? professional? some other cheerleading organization?

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