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The original hunting weapon of the first people to occupy the Americas was the spear-thrower or atlatl. The bow was a comparatively recent development, perhaps around 2,000 years ago or as late as 1,000 years ago.

One of the oldest bows found archaeologically is from a mound burial at Mounds Plantation Site, Caddo Parish, Louisiana which was carbon-14 dated to 1050 to 1070 AD.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The bow was used as a hunting tool in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. It was a long range weapon which could knock down almost any opponent. It's precision could find a vital spot on the enemy thus killing it. Many Natives were skilled in the art of the bow and could deliver a blow whenever they wished. The bow was made out of wood depending on which tribe it was. The arrow had a thin wooden shaft with a flint tip and feathers at the end which gave it more accuracy. The bow and arrow was a very threatening weapon delivering killing blows to any living being.

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14y ago

The date is disputed but is generally accepted as having been around for at least 10,000 years.

Some fragments of what could have been arrowheads were found in South Africa and were dated at 61,000 years old.

However, the oldest verified bow fragment ever found was dug up from a peat bog in Denmark. It was carbon dated as being only 8,000 years old.

Other verified remains of bows outside of Denmark, older than 6000 years old, are exclusive to North West and Central Europe. Ancient bows have been found in England, France, Norway, Germany and most famously in the Alps (Oetzi).

Bow remains between 6000 and 4000 years old have been found in rest of Europe, the Middle East, Egypt, Pakistan and India. The oldest bows in China and Sub-Saharan Africa date from approximately 3000 years ago.

The bow and arrow appeared in North America, roughly 2,500 years ago, it replaced the atlatl (spear thrower) and dart. The bow eventually spread to Mesoamerica by around 100 AD, and to South America by 300 AD.

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12y ago

Yes, the Penobscot did use bows, they have made up a double bow (smaller bow on a larger bow) which they believed to perform better than a singular bow.

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13y ago

to hunt buffalos and deer and other animals with protein and frock

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7y ago

The earliest people to use bow and arrows were the Egyptians 5,000 years ago. It dates back in China to the Shang dynasty.

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What year was the bow and arrow invented?

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Archery - the use of a bow and arrow was invented by our ancient hunter gatherer ancestors, we have no record as to where the first bow and arrow were made.

How old is the bow and arrow?

First stone arrow heads date back 64,000 years. Wooden Modern bow and arrow technology dates back about 8000-9000 years.

Is a bow an arrow inventions of the mesolithic era?

The Bow and Aorrow were invented in the late paleoithic early mesolithic era

What period was the bow and arrow invented?

The bow and arrow were invented during the Upper Paleolithic period, around 10,000-12,000 years ago. This innovation revolutionized hunting and warfare by allowing for long-range accuracy and increased efficiency in taking down prey.

Who invented the very first bow?

If you refer to a hunting bow, as in "bow and arrow", it goes back to Nimrod, in the Old Testament. The bow was supposed to be a gift from God, to silently hunt animals at a distance.

What goddess has bow and arrow greek?

No, Athena is not typically depicted with bow and arrow. Bow and arrow are most often depicted with Artemis.

What is the bow part on a bow and arrow?

it is the stick and the string that shoots the arrow

What is Arrow is to bow as - is to rifle?

to Bullet.

Where was the bow and arrow invented?

History doesn't tell us this, but it has been around for at least 10,000 years.