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Q: Is a orange vest required during archery season?
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Related questions

What are all hunters required to wear during deer hunting season in Wisconsin?

Camoflauge with an orange stripe.

Are crossbows legal in Colorado?

Crossbows are freely bought, sold and owned in Colorado. For hunting purposes, they are considered rifles. So generally not allowed in archery hunting season but may be used in rifle season. Persons with handicaps that limit their use of regular archery bows can get a doctors note, visity DOW and use crossbow during archery season.

What is Indiana's law on clothing for hunting?

When the deer firearms season begin, all hunters must wear 'Blaze or Hunter Orange' no matter what they are hunting. To meet the requirements a hunter must have exposed at all times at least 1 of the following: hat, jacket, gloves or vest. Camouflage orange does not satisfy this requirement. Rabbit and squirrel hunters must wear the required garments throughout the remainder of the season. Archery deer hunters may wear regular camouflage after all deer firearms seasons close. Grouse, pheasant and quail hunters must always wear orange. Goose and duck hunters are not required to wear orange. This law was in effect for 2009, so check again in 2010. Turkey, fox, coyote, raccoon,and o'ppossum hunters are not required to wear orange.

Who won the Orange Cap during IPL season 3?

Sachin Tendulkar

What color are fall leaves when they change during the autumn season?

During the autumn season, fall leaves change color to shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown.

Color for hunting?

Camouflage of that regions forest. White if hunting in snow covered regions. In some cases, Blaze Orange is required to prevent you from being shot by other hunters during seasons such as Deer Season.

Are semi automatic rifles legal for hunting mountain lions in Montana?

Yes- with a big HOWEVER. There are special seasons and permits required for Mountain Lions. Firearms may not be used in Archery Season.

How often are Catholics required to receive Eucharist during Easter season?

Catholics must receive the Eucharist at least once per year during the Easter season.

When is deer season in indiana?

October 1st starts the deer season, beginning with archery in Indiana.

Can a child under the age of sixteen shoot a crossbow in Kansas?

In Kansas, children aged 15 and under can use a crossbow during archery season as long as they have a valid youth permit.

When will deer rut in Massachusetts?

I've been told it's usually the week between the end of archery season and the begging of the shotgun season.

When is orange season?
