How much does a Professional Softball player make a year?
The average salary is between $7,500 and $15,000 for the summer. The National Pro Fastpitch (NPF) has a very very modest salary cap.
It depends, what's their day job?
how much money Quezon's make 1 year
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They make $0 a year.
Professional softball players are paid less than professional baseball players because softball is not as popular as baseball. Baseball has a much bigger market in the economy, as proven by the baseball stadiums, playing cards, t-shirts, and hats. Because of all the profits that these things generate, they are able to pay their players more. Softball does not have this kind of publicity, and there for the money that flows into the organizations involved in the sport do not draw as much money either. Because they do not draw as much revenue as the baseball organizations, they are not able to pay their players as much as baseball players get paid.
Professional softball players, of course, get paid. However, they do not earn nearly as much money as Major League Baseball players. The Olympic Team that will compete in Beijing this year does get paid, more than the professional softball players, but again, not as much as the average Major League Baseball player. For example, Jennie Finch drives a van, NOT a Ferrari.
As much as needed. Will most softball players don't stay in the same hotel and as much that can stay there.
Too much
Soccer players in France make $400,000 per year and American soccer players make $300,000 per year.
2.5 dollars
I think they make $1.4 million dollars
It depends on the prize money that they win from the tournament.
no,only if the money is very low