Professional softball players are paid less than professional Baseball players because softball is not as popular as baseball.
Baseball has a much bigger market in the economy, as proven by the baseball stadiums, playing cards, t-shirts, and hats. Because of all the profits that these things generate, they are able to pay their players more.
Softball does not have this kind of publicity, and there for the money that flows into the organizations involved in the sport do not draw as much money either. Because they do not draw as much revenue as the baseball organizations, they are not able to pay their players as much as baseball players get paid.
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No, not until the two sports have a similar economic status. Major League Baseball players are paid a lot of money because the business behind the sport is very successful and brings in a lot of money. Softball does not create enough income for a team to pay the same amounts that an MLB team can pay their best players. It depends on how many people come to the games.
It depends on your league, if your allowed to have 4 outfielder's. That's pretty much the only time.
The tickets they get aren't free, but the players earn so much moolah that they are virtually free to the players.
About 4-5 glass of water
No. The physical and mental stresses of the game are too much even for some veteran players; having younger players is a scenario for burning them out very quickly.
Yes it should be because soon after their college career, baseball players must face faster, better pitchers with weaker, wooden bats, causing bad starts to many rookie careers. With baseball bats that are wooden in college, scouts can help their team much more from more accurate results. No, because if college players used wooden bats there would be a lot more no hitters. That's why they have the Minor leauges
Professional softball players, of course, get paid. However, they do not earn nearly as much money as Major League Baseball players. The Olympic Team that will compete in Beijing this year does get paid, more than the professional softball players, but again, not as much as the average Major League Baseball player. For example, Jennie Finch drives a van, NOT a Ferrari.
As much as needed. Will most softball players don't stay in the same hotel and as much that can stay there.
Softball cleats are made in girls sizes and for girls feet. Baseball cleats are made in boys sizes and for boys feet. Other than that, there isn't much of a difference. Softball Players can wear Baseball cleats, and baseball can wear softball cleats. you would just need to look up a convesrion online. I wear a 7.5 in my womens softball cleats, but when i wear my mens baseball cleats im a size 6.
Softball fields are actually much smaller than baseball fields. This makes softball a faster paced game. It also makes it so that you have to have fast reflexes to play successfully in the infield.
The salary cap in professional softball keeps the range from $7000 to $17,000 per year.
There isn't much of a difference.. But Softball has a ball 12 inches in circumference. The baseball is 9 inches in circumference.. Softball uses different bats, balls, and glove
in softball pitchers ar much closer and wear a mask ann in baseball you have a different bat
Olympic sportsmen/women are amateurs they do not receive payment.
There isn't much of a difference.. But Softball has a ball 12 inches in circumference. The Baseball is 9 inches in circumference.. Softball uses different bats, balls, and glove
Differences Between Softball and Baseball The softball is usually about 12 inches in circumference, compared to 9 inches for a baseballThe ball is pitched underhand in softball, overhand in baseballThe bases are 60 feet apart in softball, 90 feet apart in baseballThere are 7 innings in a softball game, 9 in a baseball gameSoftball starting players may re-enter the game after the first substitution (a second substitution is permanent, the starter may not re-enter). In baseball, a substitution of any kind is permanentSoftball is pitched from a flat 'circle', instead of a mound, as in baseballThe softball infield is all dirt, baseball has grass in the infieldDepending on the softball governing body, distance from the pitching rubber to the plate is 43' or 45', baseball is 60'6"The outfield fences are typically 300' in softball, a little further in baseballBecause of the proximity of the pitcher to the plate, the size of the ball and a couple of other features, Softball strategy involves much more 'small ball', meaning bunting and slapping to advance runners in order to score.Other answers from the community:The objective of the games are basically the same. Balls/strikes/outs are consistent. Baseball can leave the base prior to the pitcher releasing the ball, whereas in softball the runners may not leave until the ball is released. If you are familiar with baseball, you can research softball under ASA or Pony leagues for additional information.At the minutia level of detail, softball players curiously do not wear pants, like baseball players [in 2008, the trend toward pants is gaining momentum...basically TEAM USA (the Olympic Team, is one of the last organized teams that wear shorts]. The softball is usually yellow vs. white. The softball pitcher may leave the pitching rubber during delivery before releasing the ball; in baseball this would be an illegal pitch. The softball bat is also different from a baseball bat in that it is not tapered. In ASA Softball, all players are required to have a cage attached to the batting helmet.
softball is so much harder! baseball is such a wimpy spot for guys.. there pitching is just like throwing.. so yea softball is harder.. so all the guys out there who think baseball is harder DIE