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A well maintained ski should last forever. That means keeping it dry, waxed, not allowing the edges to rust, etc. However, just because a ski lasts forever doesn't mean you should continue to ski on it forever. Ski construction continues to advance, and skis from 20 years ago, while still usable, are techically inferior. Much like a car from the 1950s will still work and indeed has some charm, old skis will work fine. However, you will be missing out on the technological advances in the past including differently shaped skis, vibration dampening technology, materials tech making the skis lighter and stronger, etc.

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Why do skiers use skis which are long and flat?

Because if skis were short and round, they would be called "bicycles".

What is 240 centimeters long?

Long skis, a surfboard, ...

What is the difference between skis for jumping and skis for racing?

Skis for jumping are longer and wider for more air resistence, and skis for racing are long and have slick surfaces and have sharp edges for going faster.

What size cross country skis for someone 6'1?

That depends a bit. Normal classic skis should be about 6'9. If you go skating they should be 6'5.

When do new skis come out?

You should get new skis when your side wall is shot... When your base is torn up beyond repair... If your skis in in two pieces... If your technology is outdated.

Is the height of the skis the same as the rider?

It depends, if you are a real beginner the skis should be about the height chin to lips but if you are a very very very good racer it can be a few cenimeters taller than you. For the average person skis should be between your nose and eyes.

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Antarctica should last as long as the earth lasts.

Can you ride jet skis in sandy water?

as long as it is not shallow water.

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How long should a fire drill last?

Should last about 30 minutez

How long is the cross country ski track for the Olympics?

Normal classic skis should be about 25 cm higher than your body height.

What is the value of used volkl 130 cm skis?

It depends on what model of skis they are and how long they were used. If you go to a ski shop they can tell you and they might even buy it from you.