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To win in archer you have to accumalate the most points. the points are determined with colord rings on the target. the middle is usually worth 5 points then going away from the middle it is 1 point less each ring. Archers shoot arrows in rounds, and each round they get a certain number of points. each round the archer usually use 5-7 arrows. after about three rounds the scorers add up the scores and determine a winner.

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16y ago
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15y ago

A Robin Hood is scored when one arrow enters and splits an arrow already in the target. the second arrow scores the same as the first ie if the first arrow is in Gold then the second arrow must also be in gold. this is a very rare event

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14y ago

you see were your arrows hit. start at the center of the target and count down from either 15 or 10. different associations and clubs score their targets different. if the target has 5 rings, the center would be 10, the ring outside the center 7, the ring outside that 5, the ring outside that 3 and the last would be 1.

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12y ago

Archery is scored based on your terget... if you are using a normal, one spot target, then you would go from the middle which is ten, and then nine and so on.

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13y ago

Robin Hood won the Archery contest by shooting His arrow into the middle of the target and scoring the highest score which is 180. Because he won that he got is golden arrow!

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11y ago

The targets have different point zones, just like throwing darts

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Archery doesn't require strength, it needs skills and determination. You can become a good archer by improving Archery skills with lots of practice. You will find best archery supplies at Mathews archery.

What can one find on Mathew's Archery website?

One can find many things helpful for archery on Matthew's Archery website. For example, Matthew's Archery sells bows and archery accessories needed for many archers.

Where is archery in Lucknow?

for archery in lucknow call on 08652625292

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archery = kashtut (קַשׁתוּת)

What do you do archery?

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