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When you are standing up, and you put your cup on, the pointy thin end should face the floor. The Wider end should face the ceiling.

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Q: How do you know up from down on an athletic cup?
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When wearing an athletic supporter is the narrow end facing up or down?


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How do you know when a solution has a high level of concentration?

When you measure it against a middle concentrated solution. If your cup goes up its low concentration if it goes down its high concentration.

How do you put on a pouch jockstrap?

Some jockstraps have a pouch with an opening at top; the cup is supposed to go into the pouch through that opening. You wear the cup with the narrow end pointing down. If your jockstrap doesn't have a pouch with an opening like that, but just has a simple pouch, wear the cup inside the pouch directly against your skin (again, narrow end down). If you have a lot of pubic hair, you might find that you prefer to trim a bit to prevent the cup from rubbing or pulling hair.

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preety ricky sings that

Can you wear a Athletic Cup under normal brief underwear?

yes, there is no pocket for it, but you can just slide it in, if you know what i mean. it might move a bit if your briefs are too loose though. What may be a better way to keep the cup in place and to provide a soft cotton barrier between your boys and the cup itself is: wear a pair of boxer briefs and then an athletic supporter over them. Place the cup in between the boxer briefs and the supporter. A cup should fit real tight to provide real good protection in sports or work activities. So I assume you want to wear a cup primarily to enhance your appearance -- to give yourself a bigger "bulge" up front. If so you can follow the advice above. Otherwise, you should wear the cup real tight to your body.

How do you do a arm fart?

Cup your hand under your armpit and then flap your arm up and down

How do you put A Penis Cup on?

A "penis cup" is worn to protect the penis and the balls or for reasons of "chastity" in some religious beliefs. A "penis cup" is usually referred to as a "cup-protector" or as a "nut-cup". A cup should be worn inside a cup-jockstrap which is similar to a regular jockstrap but is a jockstrap made with a pouch to hold the cup. Some athletic briefs or shorts are made with a pouch to put a cup into. There are different sizes of cups, for youth, teenagers, and adult men. Also, different brands of cups are different in their shape and size. The "traditional" cup is triangular shaped and the "banana" cup is shaped to contour differently to the body. To put a cup on, you insert the cup into the cup-jockstrap or into the briefs or shorts which are made to hold a cup. Then you step into the jockstrap and pull it on, or pull the briefs or shorts on like you do when you put underwear on. The testicles fit into the lower part of the cup. With the triangular shaped cup, you can allow your penis to hang down or you can lift it up and lay it across the inside top part of the cup. With the banana shaped cup, your penis has to be allowed to hang down. To function properly, the cup must fit real tight against your body so that the impact of a blow will be transferred against your body and not against your penis or balls. Some briefs or athletic shorts which are made to hold a cup do not hold the cup tight against the body. To ensure a tight fit, you can wear compression shorts over the cup-jockstrap or over the briefs or shorts.

Is a sports cup worn with the large side up or down?

The large (wider) part of the cup is worn up. This is true for both triangular shaped cups and banana shaped cups.

What are the best April fools pranks?

1. When you are at a restaurant ask for a refill of water 2. If the menu is plastic, put a TIP in the water then put the menu over the cup 3. Keep the menu over the cup and tip the cup up-side-down (when you tip the cup over the menu keeps the water from coming out) 4. So now the cup is up-side-down 5. Slip the menu out from under the cup then leave the restaurant 6. When the waiter comes for the TIP he/she will need to tip the cup up (he/she will not see the water it is clear) 7. he/she will pull the cup up and water will go everywhere!

What type of movement is a skull?

i Don't Know But I Think Is Up Down Up Down ! ;d

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With street party's up and down the Country