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well they make about 100,00 a competition and they make 500,00 a mont so that about 25,000,000 in 6 months and they make about 60,000,000 a year plus sponsor prizes

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by winning competitions and getting endorsements

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Q: How do professional skateboarders make a living?
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What is the difference between a professional orchestra and semiprofessional orchestra?

Simply put, a professional orchestra is one in which the musicians make their living primarily as orchestra musicians. A semiprofessional orchestra usually has a core of professional musicians, as well as players who, while of professional (or near-professional calibre, make their living primarily outside of performing. This can include students, talented community members who make their living outside of music, and musicians who make their primary living outside of performing. Musicians in a semiprofessional orchestra are generally paid, but there are usually several pay levels dependent upon the player's status. For instance, there may be principals (section leaders), section players (full-time), section players (part-time), and section players (student). Semiprofessional orchestras also tend to engage musicians who play unusual instruments on a per-call (casual) basis.

How much money does a professional saxophone player make?

The most famous make a very good living, but many very capable players struggle to make ends meet. Most take students to provide extra income. Because professional music careers differ so much from one individual to another, it's hard to say more.

Can a trumpet player make a living on playing the trumpet?

That is an extremely difficult question to answer because it depends on several factors, such as, where you are located, what type of band or orchestra you play in, and what you qualifications are.

What song has lyrics skateboarders grind i grind too that's why you can catch me in dc shoes?

Chip the Ripper Freestyle.

What is a professional singer?

A Professional Musician is a person who makes a living as being a musician. In other words, a professional musician is someone who's job, profession, and work is being a musical performer-someone who's main income is being a music performer and/or composer.andSemi-Professional are those who have a day job (main source of income) and now and then will do a gig (a paid music performance) with their music group or band.

Related questions

How much does a professional skateboarder earn?

Professional skateboarders can make $6000 a month, which is $72,000 per year. The money comes primarily from sponsorships and advertisements.

Do professional skateboarders have retirement plans?

yes of course

Why do skateboarders go professional?

to get paid, get free product and clothes

Are Zeke and Luther Professional Skateboarders?

yes some stunts they do do. they do skateboard.

Why do you need a eduaction for professional skateboarding?

you don't many professional skateboarders dropped out of high school for example p-rod

All of the female professional skateboarders from Canada?

no, in fact most are from Spain and south America

How much profit does a professional skateboarder make?

There are many professional skateboarders, all with varying degrees of earning potential. However, those somewhere in the middle earn 50,000 to 100,000 a year, while the most successful skaters make up to a million annually.

Does skateboarders make more than football players?


What does sneaker mean?

Danny and Colin, the two founding creators/owners/professional skateboarders of DC Shoes.

Do skaters and skateboarders like each other?

As in skater you mean inliners? Most of the time no. As skateboarders make fun of inliners because it is an easier to do.

How much do you get paid for skateboarding monthly?

Many skateboarders are sponsored, which means that companies will pay them to promote their products (think Tiger Woods and Nike). The more famous a skateboarder is, the more offers he/she will receive for sponsoring. Famous skateboarders will make lots of money doing this. Otherwise, all skateboarders income would come from winnings in competition. Prizes can vary quite a bit and the amount a skateboarder can make will be dependent on how good they are. Most skateboarders must have another job, as they do not make enough to support themselves.

What is the difference between Goofy skateboarders and normal skateboarders?

Goofy Skateboarders lead with their left foot and normal skaters lead with their right foot