I read a lot of stuff saying the aren't brothers, including a site that said who was related to who, thru the years, and they aren't on that list. no, just good friends they are half brothers in real life
no, they are not really brothers. just best friends that act like brothers.
Dear person who asked this question, The Jonas Brothers are really cute guys, but not all people feel that way... Their are different opinions, but almost everyone's a JONAS fan! (- : I'm included in the almost everyone category as well. ! I hope I helped you out!
No they are not really brothers! They just lie about it and say they're brothers for publicity and have a bromantic relationship!
The two main vocalists (Seth and Scott Avett) are brothers, yes. But the bassist, Bob Crawford, is not a brother.
is plies and kirk Franklin brothers and if so how
really close brothers
Yes, the Hardy boys have beaten the Dudleys in a match :)
No, they are not brothers
because the dudleys are ''normal''
No the boys from one direction are not really brothers
they are wrestling brothers but not real brothers
they are half brothers.
yes they are blood brothers