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A compass rose is a design of a set of arrows on a map that shows directions. It shows north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.

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Q: A set of arrows that sHow is direction is called?
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Related questions

What is a set of arrows that shows direction called?

A set of arrows that show direction is called a direction field. This is also known as a slope field and is a graphic representation of the solutions of a first-order differential equation.

How does a convection heater heat the air in a room?

draw a set of diagrams to help explain this. (Use red arrows to show the direction of hot air blue arrows to show the direction of cold air.) Match up words to the meanings. Draw a line to join them up.

What is a set of arrows called?

A quiver

How does a convection heater heat up the air in a room?

A convection heater heats the air in a room by drawing in cool air from the room, passing it through a heating element, and then releasing the heated air back into the room. As the warm air rises, it displaces cooler air, creating a convection current that circulates heat throughout the space.

What is a set of points that is endless in both direction called?

An open curve

What do you call group of arrows?

A group of arrows is referred to as a "set" of arrows. Sets of arrows are usually sold by the dozen (12), but sometimes are sold by the half-dozen (6). Sometimes a set of arrows is called a quiver (the same name as the container that holds the arrows). Another name for a "quiver" of arrows is a "sheaf" of arrows, especially when referring to large numbers of (more than one dozen) arrows. In Mediaeval times (i.e., the "Middle Ages"), particularly during the Hundred Years' War between England and France (A.D. 1336-1453), military archers would carry bundles, or "sheafs", of arrows, consisting of twenty-four (24) arrows per sheaf. Because of the huge numbers of arrows needed for each battle, those arrows were made as inexpensively and as quickly as possible; as with any mass-produced commodity, the quality of the item(s) produced tends to suffer. It is believed by some that today's cheap, lower-quality mass-produced arrows should also be called "sheaf" arrows, to help differentiate them from higher-quality custom-made arrows (but that is, after all, a matter of opinion).

How do you make a character move in HTML?

You cant in HTML. Try Javascript (however it is better if you use a picture editor like Macromedia Fireworks and save the image as .jpg), You can. You would have to program it though. I have some of the "text moving features" added to my personal HTML. You could do the same.

What is collective nouns of arrows?

The word 'set' denotes a collection of objects, which is a collective noun. The usual collective noun for arrows is a 'quiver of arrows'.

How do you get past the first set of arrows in the warehouse?

it is secret

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An authoritative decree or direction usually set forth by a municipal regulation is called?


Should you get a case or an extra set of arrows for your compound bow?

Sounds like an opinion question. But you will always be buying arrows, and i recommend an extra set of arrows. But if you have arrows and are considering one or the other, I would have to say a hard case for your bow is mandatory. It's a one time purchase and you'll have it longer than your bow!