Target arrows usually use unbarbed points, making them easier to draw from a target without damage. Hunting arrows have barbed points (wide arrows?) to ensure they penetrate and stay in the prey animal.
A compass rose is a design of a set of arrows on a map that shows directions. It shows north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.
If you are talking about the thing that you use to get the arrows out of while you are shooting, then that is called a quiver... If you are talking about the thing that you use to keep your arrows safe, then it is what it sounds like- an arrow case
The archer's Quiver holds the arrows.
The person who made arrows was called a fletcher.
a fletcher
In modern times, this person is probably known as a sporting goods merchant.
During ALL times, a person who makes bows is called a bowyer and a person who makes arrows is called a fletcher.
An arrow maker is called an Arrowsmith or Fletcher
The person making the arrows is a fletcher.
The 'bag' arrows are carried in is called a quiver.
A group of arrows is referred to as a "set" of arrows. Sets of arrows are usually sold by the dozen (12), but sometimes are sold by the half-dozen (6). Sometimes a set of arrows is called a quiver (the same name as the container that holds the arrows). Another name for a "quiver" of arrows is a "sheaf" of arrows, especially when referring to large numbers of (more than one dozen) arrows. In Mediaeval times (i.e., the "Middle Ages"), particularly during the Hundred Years' War between England and France (A.D. 1336-1453), military archers would carry bundles, or "sheafs", of arrows, consisting of twenty-four (24) arrows per sheaf. Because of the huge numbers of arrows needed for each battle, those arrows were made as inexpensively and as quickly as possible; as with any mass-produced commodity, the quality of the item(s) produced tends to suffer. It is believed by some that today's cheap, lower-quality mass-produced arrows should also be called "sheaf" arrows, to help differentiate them from higher-quality custom-made arrows (but that is, after all, a matter of opinion).
An archer was a person who shot arrows from a simple bow. A person who used a crossbow was usually called a crossbowman. The astrological sign of Aquarius was sometimes called the Archer.
cupid has 2 kinds of arrows. His first, the golden arrows, makes the person at whom they are fired fall in love with the next person they see. His second, the iron arrows, make people fall out of love, i.e. hate, the next person they see
The name given for a container for arrows is called a quiver.
The case for carrying arrows is called quiver.