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Currently, in 2009, Philip Wheeler wars the number 50.

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1957 Cotton Davidson 1958 Richard Horn 1982-83-84-85 Mike Pagel 1996 Bobby Olive 1998 to present Peyton Manning

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Coby Fleener, tight end from Stanford, who was drafted along with Andrew luck is #80 on the Colts.

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Joseph Addai

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Q: Who wears the number 80 for the Indianapolis Colts?
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What is Coby Fleener's number on the Indianapolis Colts?

Coby Fleener is number 80 on the Indianapolis Colts.

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What number is ronaldinho?

Ronaldinho wears the number 80, in AC Milan.

Who wore 80 for the Philadelphia Eagles?

Kevin Curtis currently wears the number 80 jersey

Who is number 44 on the colts team?

Players who wore number 45 for the Baltimore Colts: halfback L.G. Dupre (1955-59), fullback Jerry Hill (1961-70), wide receiver Mike Siani (1978-80) and cornerback Jim Burroughs (1982-83 -- he also wore number 45 in 1984, the franchise's first year in Indianapolis).

Why do ronaldinho were the number 80 shirt?

Because he was born on 1980, so he took 19-80. seedorf wears 10 which ronaldinho used in barca so now he uses 80

What years did Raymond Berry play for the Baltimore Colts?

Raymond Berry played for the colts from the early 60's to the late 80's

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What numbers has ronaldinho played in?

the jersey number of lionel messi for barcalona is 10(ten)

What is the Distance between Elkhart IN to Indianapolis IN?

They are about 140 miles apart. How you get there is you take U.S. 31 SOUTH to Indianapolis from either the Toll Road I-80/90 (EXIT 72 if you are taking I-80/90) or U.S. 20 WEST.

How many miles from Indianapolis in to elkhart in?

They are about 140 miles apart. How you get there is you take U.S. 31 SOUTH to Indianapolis from either the Toll Road I-80/90 (EXIT 72 if you are taking I-80/90) or U.S. 20 WEST.

What is the distance in Indiana from Indianapolis to Marion?

The distance in Indiana from Indianapolis to Marion is 85 miles. That equals 136 kilometers and about 80 minutes in driving time.