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Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Baseball in 1947. He would have to go through many insults, death threats, and players trying to injure him by spiking him. No matter what happened Jackie didn't mind and played baseball. Jackie was one of the best during his era. He won the first ever rookie of the year award and one MVP award. Jackie was a main symbol for blacks rights in america.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Jackie wanted for blacks and whites and asians and reds and so on to be equal

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15y ago

His goals were or Blacks, Whites, Asians, reds and so on to be equal.

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13y ago

he accomplished being the frist black base ball player and was rookie of the year

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14y ago

I think that his dream is to play baseball and brea the color barrrior.

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Jackie Robinson wanted all race to be equal so they have the freedom they want. He also want to play baseball.

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