Mostly Soccer but they do like some other sports but soccer they play the most
Wrestling is the least played sport in France.
== PétanqueParkour =
Well in Sudan most people play baseball,actually baseball is the best and most popular sport in the history of the world.So it's baseball,to be honest basketball is second place.
People in togo play lots of Football i could not find another sport that they play more often
The sports they play are mostly the same as America but the most watched and played sport would be football
They enjoy it just like any other sport , the same as people everywhere. the French are no different
If you want to play e-sport, Infinite people can play this game across the glob.
They play basketball,football and soccer. that's the sports i only know.
tennis is a sport that people play in australia
A sport people can play in the winter is snowboarding.
No. It is not a sport or a team sport. But lots of people like to play it and say its a sport. :)
Its a fun sport