It all started in a small log barn in Southern Indiana where BLUE was born in a town called Jockey. He grew up on a large farm and was groomed by his owners to be a race horse. He never took to racing like the other horses, but lived for each Sunday when he could watch his beloved Colts play football.
Early in his training, he realized he was much different from all the other horses. One day he woke up and noticed a blue spot on his fur. He tried to hide his embarrassing spots from the other horses by wearing his saddle all day and night. Each day he woke up, and his spots were growing bigger and bluer, Bigger and Bluer, BIGGER AND BLUER! Eventually he turned completely BLUE. All of the other horses made fun of him, and he just didn't fit in. They wouldn't let him play in any barn yard games.
The teasing from the other horses became so nasty that he decided he would run away. He made his way all around Southern Indiana by sleeping in strange barns and eating out of corn fields along the way. One day while making his way down to the creek, he saw in the newspaper that the Indianapolis Colts were having try-outs for the team. Upon reading the news, he became so excited that he galloped all the way to the Colts Training Complex in Indianapolis.
When he arrived at the Colts Training Complex, he was asked to fill out an application for employment. When he got to the column asking his name, he realized he didn't have a name! The secretary informed him of the strict NFL rule that all players must have a name to go on the back of their jersey. Because he had no name, he missed the try-outs. Realizing he missed his opportunity to live his dream of playing football for the Colts, his eyes began to well up with huge blue tears.
He walked out of the Colts Complex with his snout low and his tail between his legs. Because he was so upset, he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and accidentally bumped into Colts Owner and CEO, Jim Irsay. After seeing the distraught horse, Jim asked him "why the long face?" After a long and heartfelt explanation of his travels, Jim shook his hoof, and said "kid, how would you like to be the new Colts mascot?"
Today, he has a name - BLUE! BLUE is so proud to be a member of the Colts that he wants to make everyone else around him happy and laugh! It all started in a small log barn in Southern Indiana where BLUE was born in a town called Jockey. He grew up on a large farm and was groomed by his owners to be a race horse. He never took to racing like the other horses, but lived for each Sunday when he could watch his beloved Colts play football.
Early in his training, he realized he was much different from all the other horses. One day he woke up and noticed a blue spot on his fur. He tried to hide his embarrassing spots from the other horses by wearing his saddle all day and night. Each day he woke up, and his spots were growing bigger and bluer, Bigger and Bluer, BIGGER AND BLUER! Eventually he turned completely BLUE. All of the other horses made fun of him, and he just didn't fit in. They wouldn't let him play in any barn yard games.
The teasing from the other horses became so nasty that he decided he would run away. He made his way all around Southern Indiana by sleeping in strange barns and eating out of corn fields along the way. One day while making his way down to the creek, he saw in the newspaper that the Indianapolis Colts were having try-outs for the team. Upon reading the news, he became so excited that he galloped all the way to the Colts Training Complex in Indianapolis.
When he arrived at the Colts Training Complex, he was asked to fill out an application for employment. When he got to the column asking his name, he realized he didn't have a name! The secretary informed him of the strict NFL rule that all players must have a name to go on the back of their jersey. Because he had no name, he missed the try-outs. Realizing he missed his opportunity to live his dream of playing football for the Colts, his eyes began to well up with huge blue tears.
He walked out of the Colts Complex with his snout low and his tail between his legs. Because he was so upset, he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and accidentally bumped into Colts Owner and CEO, Jim Irsay. After seeing the distraught horse, Jim asked him "why the long face?" After a long and heartfelt explanation of his travels, Jim shook his hoof, and said "kid, how would you like to be the new Colts mascot?"
Today, he has a name - BLUE! BLUE is so proud to be a member of the Colts that he wants to make everyone else around him happy and laugh!
The Indianapolis Colts are from Indiana.
The University of Indianapolis mascot is the greyhound.
Since 1984 the Indianapolis Colts play in, you guessed it, Indianapolis.
No, the Indianapolis Colts have been officially eliminated.
One major sponsor for the Indianapolis colts is Lucas Oil.
Yes, he is a colt and his name is Blue. he is the best mascot ever! GO INDIANAPOLIS COLTS!
$1 an hour
You have to train for 3 weeks. It's part of the minicamp and there is a tryout
Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Colts was created in 1953.
The Indianapolis Colts are from Indiana.
The University of Indianapolis mascot is the greyhound.
Since 1984 the Indianapolis Colts play in, you guessed it, Indianapolis.
The colts were created in Baltimore until they moved to Indianapolis and became the Indianapolis colts.
Before the Indianapolis Colts, they were founded as the Baltimore Colts in 1953.
Baltimore is the only other city that the colts have called home. The Colts were established as a franchise in 1946. They moved to Indianapolis in 1984, where they have remained since.
Indianapolis Colts 7001 West 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46254