He didn't move there until he was about 10 years old so grade 5 to grade 8.
According to wikipedia, Terry Fox attended Mary Hill Junior High School in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, then Port Coquitlam Senior Secondary. The latter school was renamed to Terry Fox Senior Secondary School and then the 'Senior' was dropped from the school name when the school district reorganised its school system.
Chosen Hill School's motto is 'Carpe Diem'.
The motto of Mooreland Hill School is 'scire valere'.
Cams Hill School's motto is 'Quality and Achievement'.
Hill Valley High School
University Hill Elementary School was created in 1954.
Red Hill Elementary School was created in 1970.
Maple Hill Elementary School was created in 1997.
Graham Hill Elementary School was created in 1960.
Graham Hill Elementary School's motto is 'ONE school serving ALL'.
charlotte hill elementary is in las vegas :)
The motto of Red Hill Elementary School is '"You can't hide that be pride'.
Cleveland Hill Elementary School in Cheektowaga
Mclaurin elementary school
Druid Hill Elementary
She is the school psychologist for Evamere Elementary and the preschool at Ellsworth Hill Elementary.