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Q: What effect will temperature have on the rebound height of tennis balls?
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If you store tennis balls at a warm temperature will it affect the rebound?

Yes it will effect the rebound height. It tends to bounce higher in a warm temperature because the molecules speed up and strike the inner core more and faster so this makes it bounce higher!

How does the height of the release point affect the height of a tennis ball's rebound?

The higher the release point of the tennis ball, the higher its rebound will be when it bounces off the ground. This is because the ball will have more potential energy due to its increased height, leading to a greater kinetic energy upon rebound.

How does the temperature of a tennis ball effect its height of its bounce?

the hotter the tennis ball is the higher it will bounce because the molecules are moving faster and the pressure is decreasing. Opposite when it is cold.

Does change in temperature effect the durability of tennis strings?

yes it does

Does the rebound height has a constant relationship with the original height of a tennis ball when released from rest and bounces on a bench?

As long as the tennis ball is not thrust downward, yes, the tennis ball will bounce back to the same proportion of its original height, no matter how far it's dropped, as long as the height is small enough that air resistance can be ignored. The ball will eventually come to rest due to this air resistance.

What are the effects of temperature on the rebound of a tennis ball?

its is the air inside the tennis ball that you should be concerned with. Cold air is compressed and gives the ball less bounce, hot air is less dense and pushes on the sides of the tennis ball from the inside. Another important factor is altitude. altitude changes the amount of oxygen in the air. this doesnt change rebound it causes the ball to travel further in air.

What is your hypothesis on how the temperature effects a tennis balls height?

If a tennis ball is cooler then the atoms have less energy so it may hypothetically bounce lower than if it was warmer

What are some good tennis rebound nets?

Several companies make quality tennis rebound nets. Rally Master and Bakko make several that you can use in a club or home setup. Gamma makes one that is collapsible and easily transported.

Can you fit a tennis rebound net in your car?

It depends on the net and the car. If you drive a Smart Car, there's probably no tennis rebound net that will fit inside. If you have a more common car like a Focus or a Corolla, the Gamma Rebound Net should fit. It collapses down to a 3 1/2 ft diameter.

Will a tennis or a racquetball bounce higher?

A racquetball will bounce higher. A racquetball is required to be able to bounce 68 to 72 inches from a 100 inch drop at an outside temperature of 70 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. A tennis ball will only rebound 46 to 52 inches but the USTA doesn't give a drop or temperature requirement.

Will a hot tennis ball bounce higher than a cold tennis ball?

In theory, yes, however the largest effect of the temperature will be on the court. The hotter the surface is, the higher the ball will bounce.

How does the speed of temperature of tenis ball affect the height of its bounce?

The temperature of a tennis ball can affect its bounce height. As temperature increases, the air molecules inside the ball expand, causing it to bounce higher. Conversely, at lower temperatures, the ball may not bounce as high due to decreased air pressure.