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15 march 1877.

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Q: In which year first international test match was played?
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When was the first test match international cricket match?

The first test was played between England and Australia.

In which date and year first international test match was played?

15 march 1877

When and where First international test match was played between?

first test match was played between Australia and England at Melbourne in 1877

When did Sri lanka played their first test match?

Sri Lanka played their first test match in 1982.

What is sachin's first international match?

Sachin's first international match was in test in 15 nov 1989 against pakistan.

Which countries contested the first ever International cricket match?

The first ever Test match at international level was played between Australia & England at Melbourne, Australia. Date: 15-19 March, 1877

When was the first cricket test match played?

1876 as Charles bannerman played the first match

When was first International test match organized?

It was organised in 1857

Where did Pakistan played its first cricket test match?

Pakistan's first Test match was played in Delhi in October 1952 as a part of five test match series which India won 2-1.

When did India played its first International cricket match on the home soil?

India played its first home international test match against England on the 15th December 1933. They lost the match by nine wickets, despite a fighting second innings century (118) by Lala Armarnath, and went on to loose the three match series 2-0.

Pakistan played first cricket test match against which country?

Pakistan played it's first test match against India in 1952.

Who was the opponent in the first Test match of Bangladesh?

Bangladesh played his first Test match against India in 2000 at Dhaka.