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There is not much we can do to grow taller after puberty. There are many products in the market today that claim to increase height of adults, but they are all scams without sufficient scientific evidence. Surgical options, though available, are EXTREMELY RISKY and of course expensive.

Unless you're still an adolescent and in a growing phase, there's no way to increase your height.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

drink white milk least 3 glass per day morning,afternoon,and night.also,stretch bones out daily.

Also if you are a kid and you want to grow, it REALLY helped me to eat a vegimite sandwich and drink a glass of water right before bed. This is a quick and easy and lets not forget healthy way to grow taller. Also taking calcium and vitamin tablets daily helps with the process. ( optional )

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Q: In which ways might you grow a little taller?
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Are there ways that you can become taller when you are a 5' 1'' 110 pound 13-year-old girl and really insecure about your height and all your friends call you short and are you done growing?

Your height is determined by genetics, but at 13 you will probably grow a little more. It might help to overcome your insecurities to realize that your height does not make you who you are, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being short. In fact, it makes you unique. One of the most popular girls at my high school was noticeably short, and she did very well. You can, too.

When does season 2 of 101 ways to leave a game show start?

I miss that show but it might not come bak for a little while i hope they make one :(

What are some of the positive effect of monsoons?

In some ways they can because the rain could helptheir crops grow.

What are some at home recipes for hair growth?

for people with ethinic hair these are some ways for you to grow your hair you can grease your hair every other night and especially your scalp because that's where your hair gets it nutrients from there is a type of oil out there to grow your hair its called hair food you can find it at your local beauty supply store if you do this for 2 weeks your hair will grow or you will have newgrow.!

What effect did electricity have on city life in the late 1800s?

Electricity affected architecture in many ways. For one, builders and developers were able to design entire structures based around lighting patterns and schemes. Electricity also enabled taller structures to expand, as opposed to building flat.

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Ways to get children to grow taller?

drink milk it makes your bones stronger and makes you taller or eat yogurt

When was Taller in More Ways created?

Taller in More Ways was created on 2005-10-31.

What kind of ways can make you taller?

There is nothing truly proven to make you taller and it mostly depends on your genes. Although during puberty if you eat well and exercise you may grow more than you would of you sat at home and did nothing.

What happens to boys during puberty 8 ways?

# Grow taller # Grow pubic hair # Grow facial hair # Genitals grow bigger # Voice breaks # Hands & feet grow bigger # Start to produce sweat (smelly) # Head & brain increases in size and makes you clumsy and confused

Ways to make you taller?

heels if your a girl

What are some ways to be taller?

wear heels To become taller, try swimming which is a good option.

What are the ways of getting taller at the age of 16?

only God can make you get taller! Loving your size is all you can do!

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there are many ways it might start. there could be so many different ways scenarios. the tension is grow thus making it more and more likely for it to happen.

How can one find information on how to get taller?

There are no ways to become truly taller if one is not already tall. One could artificially make themselves taller by wearing high heeled shoes or boots.

Are there other ways of groing taller besides pills and medication?


Does playing sports make you stronger?

Basketball is good exercise, and as such can play a part in helping you grow as a teenager. Just make sure you don't overdo it and injure yourself - busted knees are not good for growth. Once you are an adult, no sport or exercise can make you taller.

Ways to tell if your getting taller?

The easiest way to tell if you are growing to to measure yourself weekly and compare the results over time. Other ways are to measure your penis. If your penis is growing in circumference and length you are probably getting taller.