India's first ever One-Day International cricket match took place on July 13, 1974, the twelfth such match to occur, during the 1974 Prudential Trophy. The match took place at Headingley, Leeds.
test cricket
In 1975, India played its first one day cricket match
There were two Test matches played between India and Pakistan in the 1984-85 season. Their scorecards are displayed below. The third Test match in this series, due to have started on November 4, 1984, was cancelled, along with the rest of the tour, due to the assassination of Indira Gandhi.
419 against west tat match only sewhag score 219
Pakistan played it's first test match against India in 1952.
1952 against India.
India won the cricket in Pakistan vs India
Pakistan win cricket match against Srilanka.
Yes it should and if we can win the match
Type your answer here..Pakistian
Abdul Kardar was the man who lead Pakistan in its inaugural Test Match against India on October 16th 1952 at the Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi, India. Pakistan lost by an innings and 70 runs.
pakiststan for a long time later :)
India won the match.