No. The Colts and Patriots are in the same conference - the AFC - and thus cannot play each other in Superbowls, which are interconference (NFC vs. AFC). The Colts moved to the AFC in 1970 with the merger of the NFL (where the Colts had been) and the American Football League (the Patriots' league at the time).
No, simply because there isn't nor has there ever been a team called the Minneapolis Colts. There has been the Baltimore Colts who won one Super Bowl during their existence and before their change to the Indianapolis Colts(present time). The Indianapolis Colts have won one Super Bowl as well.
The Colts and Giants never met in a Super Bowl. They did meet in "The Greatest Game Ever Played," the NFL Championship game of 1958, almost ten years before the first Super Bowl. The last Super Bowl the Giants played in was Super Bowl 42 in 2008. Eli Manning led the Giants to victory over the New England Patriots. The last Super Bowl the Colts played was the year before, when Peyton Manning (Eli's big brother) led the Colts to victory over the Chicago Bears.
they have one21 super bowes HI I'm Dr.Carter III. And your answer SUCKS!!!! #1. the colts or any NFL football team has not won 21 super bowls. #2. the colts have won 2 super bowls. #3. the most super bowls ever won was in 2009 super bowl 43 steelers vs the cardinals and the steelers won that Superbowl and set a record of playing 7 super bowls and winning 6. #4. that's not how to spell bowls. and Superbowl's is 1 word. Doctors shouldn't use words like "sucks" and Superbowls isn't possessive, therefore, there is no apostrophe. So, your answers suck too.
Yes, since they play in different conferences it would be possible for both to make the Super Bowl in the same season.
Yes the Super Bowl
No, the Super Bowl has not ever been held in Foxboro.
Yes. The Saints defeated the Indianapolis Colts, 31-17, in Super Bowl XLIV in Miami.
Yes, the Jets have won a Super Bowl. They defeated the Baltimore Colts 16-7 in Super Bowl III.Yes, super bowl 3
No. But would it be cool if they did?
Yes they have Played in Super Bowl 44 against the Indianapolis Colts and won the Game 33 to 17
as of February 7 2010 the saints beat the colts 31-17 in the first Superbowl they have ever been to whoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Correct me if I am wrong, but while watching Super Bowl XLI between the Indianapolis Colts and Chicago Bears, I believe the annoucers said that it was the first time that a Super Bowl had ever been played in the rain (which was in Miami, Florida at Dolphins Stadium).
Yes. On February 7, 2010, the Saints defeated the Indianapolis Colts, 31-17, in Super Bowl XLIV in Miami.
Before the 2009-10 season, the Saints had never before played in the Super Bowl, so the answer would be no.
The Colts and Giants never met in a Super Bowl. They did meet in "The Greatest Game Ever Played," the NFL Championship game of 1958, almost ten years before the first Super Bowl. The last Super Bowl the Giants played in was Super Bowl 42 in 2008. Eli Manning led the Giants to victory over the New England Patriots. The last Super Bowl the Colts played was the year before, when Peyton Manning (Eli's big brother) led the Colts to victory over the Chicago Bears.
No super bowl has ever went to overtime.
No team has ever been accused of, or found to have been cheating in a Super Bowl.