These days, the race organisers tends to like to move the start between different nearby countries where the race is popular.
It is generally in France with occasional stages in neighbouring countries. It is traditional for the tour to start in another country, this year's start was in Monaco. This years tour for example has two stages based in Spain/Andorra.
Paris. It doesn't always end in Paris, but it mostly does!
1903, July the 1st
The race route changes every year, in 2008 the first stage of the race began in Brest, in 2009 the race will begin in Monte Carlo. The 2010 Tour will be launched from the south side of Rotterdam, for a prologue time-trial. The launching pad will actually be set up in Zuidplein, from where the riders will move north Source:
The Tour de France starts in different places each year. This year it starts in Leeds in the U.K. on 5th July 2014 and doesn't arrive in France until the fourth stage. The fourth stage begins in Le Touquet on 8th July 2014.
It is generally in France with occasional stages in neighbouring countries. It is traditional for the tour to start in another country, this year's start was in Monaco. This years tour for example has two stages based in Spain/Andorra.
The start tends to be moved around a bit, but the finish is always in Paris.
The course of the Tour de France change every year so, time to time, it might start in neigbouring countries. However most of it is raced in France and it has always finished in Paris.
Bob Roll has competed in three Tour De France competitions.
On the Island of Corsica.
Paris. It doesn't always end in Paris, but it mostly does!
1903, July the 1st
it started on the 2nd of july.
The first stage of the Tour de France every year begins in different places, even different countries bordering france, the route is changed every year. The only thing that stays the same is the finish in Paris on the champs elysee on the final day.
No. The start tends to be moved around around a bit, between different countries and different cities, it's the finish that's always at Champs Elysees.
29th June 2013